Check and Connect
Check and Connect is a program that seeks to build relationships with each individual student while better connecting them to their own success at school. Please visit the Check & Connect page to learn more.
General Attendance Information
Minnesota law states that all students are required to attend school from age 7, or when they enroll in kindergarten (whichever comes first) until they are 18 years old. A student's failure to attend school may lead to legal action for the parents/guardians and the student.
Call the Attendance Line if your child is going to be absent. Feel free to leave a message. Please send a note when your child returns to school after an absence. Give the following information in the phone call/note: Child's name, homeroom number or teacher's name, and reason for absence, parent name/signature, and telephone number.
What are excused absences?
Students are allowed up to 8 total absences a year, or 3 days in a row, due to an illness. A doctor's note must be provided if your child is gone from school more than 8 total days over the school year, or 3 days in a row. Because your child's health is important to us, school staff can help your child if you do not have health insurance or cannot afford to see a doctor -please contact your school if you need help.
Doctor/Dentist Appointments
Whenever possible, please schedule doctor and dentist appointments before or after school. For those that must be scheduled during school, the appointment will be excused only upon receiving a written note from the doctor or dentist.
School Bus Problems
If your child misses school because the bus was late or did not show up at the bus stop, report this to the school that morning.
Religious Holidays/Cultural Observances
If your child will be gone due to a religious holiday or cultural observance, please notify the school in advance.
Students may be gone up to 4 days a year because of a funeral. If your child will be gone more than 4 days, we ask that you get written approval for additional excused time from a teacher, social worker or principal.
Family Emergency
Students may be gone up to 3 days a year because of a family emergency. If your child will be gone more than 3 days, please obtain written approval from a social worker or principal.
Family Activities
A student may be gone up to 5 days from school for a pre-approved family activity. To get pre-approval from the school, please do the following:
- At least 10 days before leaving, request permission from the school for your child to be gone for a family activity.
- Before leaving, get your child's homework and agree that your child will finish the homework.
- Make sure that your student will not be gone for important tests like the MCA, NALT or MBST.
- Agree in writing that your child will miss no more than 5 days of school.
Family Activities, Extended
If your family activity will last more than 5 days, we ask that you obtain permission from the principal in writing before you leave. If the principal gives permission to be gone longer than 5 days, your child will be expected to turn in a school report and/or a presentation to their teacher(s).
Unexcused absences and those absences not acknowledged by note or telephone call are subject to truancy/attendance procedures. All enrolled children are subject to Minnesota's compulsory attendance laws. Schools are required to notify parents and Hennepin County Juvenile Court when a child is deemed truant.
Vacation Policy
If you are taking your child out of school for a family vacation/activity for three days or more, you must fill out a vacation form from the school office at least ten days prior to the first absence and have it signed by the Principal. Approved family activity for up to five (5) days within one school year are considered “excusable absences”, when:
• The parent or guardian requests permission for the absence ten (10) regularly scheduled school days in advance of the first absence; and
• The absences are approved in writing by the principal or site administrator in advance of the first absence, and
• Missed schoolwork is assigned by the student’s teacher or teachers, and the parent or guardian agrees that schoolwork will be completed; and
• The absences will not occur during state-wide testing dates; and
• Where the student has shown adequate progress and attendance prior to the request.